Reflexology & Aromatherapy Treatment
Discover peace & calm through accupressure points on feet,hands & ears
Service Description
Reflexology is a focused pressure technique, usually directed at the feet, hands and ears. Acupuncturists have been offering auricular acupuncture for centuries and it has been medically recognized. Reflexology is not acupuncture however it is similar in that instead of needles, a reflexologist uses finger pressure on specific points to accomplish the same outcome, balance in the mind and body. Reflexology Is based on the premise that there are zones and reflexes on different parts of the body which corresponds to and are relative to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body. Reflexology can only be done in person and it is a fully clothed procedure performed while sitting in a recliner chair or on a massage table. Essential oils may be added to the feet, the hands or the back of the neck. Pressure points are also stimulated on the back of the neck and shoulders as necessary in the beginning of the session. Years are worked on first than the hands and ending with the seat. A foot soak is performed at the beginning of the session utilizing organic bath salts and essential oils. A heated neck wrap is used often to help the client relax while soft music is played or guided imagery to further calm the nervous system and allow the client to surrender as necessary to allow for maximum relaxation.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours in advance. so you are not charged for your session.
Contact Details
Cockeysville, MD, USA